1.Begin to put money in the bank and learn to leave it there i.e Learn
to save dont spent all your money on clothes,Make up,Material thing that
wont follow you to Heaven...Work Hard so you will reap.
the right person i.e Dont date a guy for dating sake, dont date him coz
he his rich, dont date him coz he his Handsome, but date for a Purpose
Always put God first Else You may end up regretting.
3.Get your
own place stop having room-mates...This Doesn't implies that having
roommates wont make u live responsible but when u live ur life alone nd
stop living on people you will see that you will start to have plans for
yourself, And even if you want to have a roommate Live with somebody
that has a future not somebody that will always advice you to party
every time,Not somebody that gives you wrong advice,Not somebody dat has
never open his/her MOUTH one that you should pray,Not roommate that can
advice you to carry your book nd read Etc (You should understand what i
mean now...Live a responsible life it is profitable)
4.Get out
of Debt (This most of us, we youths of nowadays we get into debt because
we want to show off, show people we are better living a life that is
not comfortable simply because we want to be Among but truly brothers nd
sister debt is not owing but debt is when you live a life that is not
5 Get that body you always dream of and maintain it.
Surround Yourself with people that will take u a step ahead...(Have you
ever wondered if you are moving forward or not? if you are moving with
the right people? if ur friends have affected your life positively in
one or two ways? if not check ur self well check the kind of people you
mingle with if u r the type that mingle with People that dont read,that
dont pray, dat dont have future..when i mean dont have future i mean
people dat dont plan there some people who dont even think of anything
in there life than to just party party...seriously u should think of it
Move with people that will affect you life positively....if u need
example u can ask me)
7.Start to accumulate a fortune and
wealth..(This is very important in everybody's life there is an adage
that says if u fail to plan u plan to fail anything you do in,life plan
plan plan well )
8.Learn to dress well not sexy.
that you are an adult and start living as one(Hmmmmm this is also
important to those that have reached age of 20-35 and you are still
behaving like kids thinking its until you reach 50yrs before u have
sense NO even from 18yrs you should already have plans for yourself Know
what you want from what you dont want dont let friend influence affect
you...Live your life to please yourself and not to please people..this
people will back off when you have a single Problem )THINK!!!!!!!!!!!
10. Let go of the past and look forward to the future...
for reading this piece...Leave a comment if you think Have tried And if
you think You Have been blessed with this piece ND ALSO stay tunED FOR
written by Oluwaseyi Ogunseye
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