Reasons Why 2018 Batch A Corp Menbers Was Paid 21,600 Instead of 41,000

Initially, rumors have it that 2018 Batch A would be paid 41600 at the end of their service years just the same way the last Batch was treated by National Youth Service Corp (NYSC). But, unfortunately, it wasn't so because of some major reasons.

The Nysc accountant officer just explained that 2018 Batch A won't receive the sum of 41,000 again instead they would be paid the sum of 21,600 due to the fact that they were paid immediately they left camp on April 2018.

The same issue would be applicable to Batch B  stream I and Batch B stream II during their pass out year.

Please Kindly share this information to clear all doubt and questions asked concerning reasons why Batch A corp member were paid 21,600 instead of 41,600.

Note, Nysc has mapped 14th of March as Passing Out Parade  (POP) date for date for Batch A.

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