OMG: Poor Squirrel Had To Be Rescued After Getting Stuck In Student Toilet

 OMG: Poor Squirrel Had To Be Rescued After Getting Stuck In Student Toilet

This poor little squirrel is lucky to be alive after he was rescued when he got stuck in a student toilet.

The rodent got into difficulties after he managed to find himself wedged in the dirty toilet inside a student house.

He’s believed to have climbed into the house through the roof and slipped and fallen through a hole in the ceiling into the bowl.

According to the student, Kirstie said: ‘Fortunately the squirrel wasn’t injured at all and I could release him back into the wild where he belongs.

‘I think he must have come into this house through the roof and slipped into the toilet.

‘It was certainly one of the most unusual rescues I’ve ever carried out – I did rescue a bat stuck in the plughole of a sink last year but I think this one takes the crown.

‘I’m sure it’s one the squirrel ‘walnut’ forget in a hurry.’

The ‘plucky’ little guy was as wet as a drowned rat as he gripped onto a mop handle and was lifted out of the toilet.

He has since been dried off and released.

 OMG: Poor Squirrel Had To Be Rescued After Getting Stuck In Student Toilet

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