Police Undress Woman With Beards To Confirm Her Gender

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Police Undress Woman With Beards To Confirm Her Gender

A woman from nairobi, kenya, has reportedly threatened to sue two police officers after they allegedly forced her to undress in order to confirm her gender after they spotted she had a beard.

According to a report from the Star newspaper, Teresiah Mumbi, 31, who worked as a minibus tout, said she was stripped on May 15 by two unidentified female officers, who demanded to confirm whether she was a man or woman after she was arrested for a traffic offence.

Speaking on Friday at KTN Television, the woman said two unidentified female officers demanded to confirm whether she was a man or a woman.

“Those two female officers came and demanded that I undress and I put my legs apart. After they were satisfied they let me back to the cell,” Mumbi said.

She said that she did not like shaving as it was painful and her beard grew back over two days.

“I even stopped working. I do not want another incident like that,” she said.

“Is this justice? If these are the officers mandated to provide security, what will happen to me in public?” Mumbi asked.

According to Toku.com, Mumbi tried to plead with the two police officer not to humiliate her, but they were adamant they needed to confirm her gender.

She said that the police officers had demanded a bribe of KSh400 after she had been arrested with other minibus touts for a traffic offence.

Meanwhile, Alice Kimeli, the OCPD of Huruma, a residential estate located in the northeast of Nairobi, the capital of Kenya. is yet to confirm the claims by Mumbi.

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