Tips On How To Read Quickly

 Tips On How To Read Quickly

Are you looking for tips on how to read very fast? Don't worry this article is purely main for you.

Below are list of tips you have to implement

Sit up straight

If you recline too far, your mind will think, relax, slow down.

Let your fingers guide you

Place your index fingers on opposite sides of the line you’re reading, and drag your fingers down as you read. This encourages your eyes to move down, not across, the page, preventing you from lingering on one word for too long.

Focus on the negative space

Don’t look directly at the words. Rather look at the white space directly above the line. You’ll auto-matically absorb many words simulta¬neously.

Skip the little guys

Don’t waste time on words like “the”, “of” and “on”. Scan for verbs and nouns; your brain will compute the rest of the sentence. For example: students can be smarter if they learn how to speed-read. 

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