South African Ladies Share What her Cousin And Aunt Did To Her

 South African Ladies Share What her Cousin And Aunt Did To Her

A South African lady has taken to Twitter to tweet on whats her 28years cousin and aunt did to her. Read the full story below

I wasn't Gona post this because I wanted to give the SAPS at Jabulani the benefit of doubt, but yet again they disappoint me! My 28year old male cousin, his mother and his father did this to me! 

What happened was on Thursday afternoon I had just finished cleaning my place & about to cook when my cuzin came from wherever he came from and switch on whatever it is he switched on in his room that cause outside rooms main switch to start tripping...
4 times this happened & the 5th time I sent his daughter to go tell him to switch whatever it is that causing the main switch to trip! The nigga comes out his room and start swearing at me! I asked him why you swearing at me just switch off whatever it is that's on there

Then comes the mom & she says no there's nothing on in this room beside heater and the radio and I was like to her so clearly the heater is the problem, then she comes at me shouting me saying I'm always complaining over nothing...

As I'm still trying to understand this mother(my Aunt) that busy shouting at me and on my face here comes Thando(cuzin) punches me on my mouth! As I try to defend myself the mother holds me back and give Thando access to keep bashing me with fists...

At some point the mother pushes him away and as I go out side to go grab my slides! Out of nowhere comes the father(my cousin's father and aunt's boyfriend) starts grabbing me by the neck and through me on the ground and Thando came started kicking me while I was....

On the ground, somehow I managed to get up, the father strangles me & pulling my braids out, while the mother is holding me arms and also pulling me by my braids, Thando busy bashing my head with a hard wooden scrubbing brush, I couldn't move or do anything because...

I was held so tight was hard for me to defend myself, only for my other cousin (it's a family house) to come from the store find all this happening and she pull me out! Thando the ran away, so is the father and the mother when I called the cops on them...

Went to the hospital got 18 stitches on my head luckily bastard didn't get to my skull.. went and opened a case on Thursday till this day I don't have a case number, and the police said they can't make any arrest without the case number that I was suppose to receive...

Via SMS and these people are seen around, everytime I call the cops they say there's nothing the can do without case number! Now I'm afraid for my life because Thando said he'll come back to finish up what he started...

How many more women should die at the hands of insane men for the police to take us serious when we come at them with domestic violence? @SAPoliceService  please help me. I am traumatized! A little banging sound! I jump like crazy because I think he's coming for me and my mom! My other Aunt just came back from the Police station, to ask about the case number that hasn't be sent via SMS only for them to find the case number on the Docket, now that I have the case number what's the way forward?

Here's what she shared:

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