Ritualist and Yahoo Boys Adopts New Approach - Read here

In these modern days so many ritualist and yahoo boys has gone out in search for quick way to money, they no longer use kidnapping method. They have digitize there method by making it very simple and easy to trap human with good heart.

The story goes this way; Someone would Intensionally send an airtime to you, and would Quickly call u telling you that he or she mistakely sent a recharge card into your inbox that u should please not recharge it with the reason that he wanted to send it to one old man.

After 10 minute later if you refuse to touch the card he would call u back appreciating you for not using the card he sent to your inbox  and that his old man wants to talk with you and pray for you.

After you may have agreed, he will quickly give the phone to the old man. The man will begin by sayin"God bless you my soon, you shall be great in life, you will never lack any good thing in life, blessing you and praying for you at the same time ringing a bell 🔔 while in that process .

Please at these point you just have be careful, what ever word he prays for you, to you shouldnt say amen to the prayers or reply him but you can only remain silent and if you don't, they would immediately establish a contact with you by draining the vital part of your body spiritually.

After making the Call, you may find your self been struck by an illness immediately with no medical solution.

Please kindly share this important information to save life. I just did my own part, it's now left for you. 

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