Steps On How to Check Your 2018 Admission Status In JAMB Caps Portal

Steps On How to Check Your 2018 Admission Status In JAMB Caps Portal

 Steps On How to Check Your 2018 Admission Status In JAMB Caps Portal

Jamb CAPS  now working smoothly. Every  JAMBITES  who have been offered admission are endeavour to log in to their jamb profile portal and accept the admission via CAPS link if they're fully satisfied with given admission from the institutions chosen!!

Please and please if your yet to be offered admission yet by your chosen institutions don't, I repeat don't accept admission yet on CAPS(risky), just hold-on till your chosen institution offer you admission to your desire/ other courses you know you can study.

Steps To Check Your 2018 Admission Status In Caps Portal

1. Ensure you have an active data bundle.

2. Open your favourite browser but I will advise you not to use Opera Mini.

3. Visit the jamb caps admission checking portal using this link

4. Caps Central admission portal home page will open.

5. Enter your Jamb registration number in the space where you will see UTME Registration Number.

6. Click on the submit button.

7. Your details including Jamb score, institution, date of birth,etc will appear.

8. If you are given admission and you like the school then click on accept admission.

9. If the institution and course space is blank or you have not been offered admission then don’t click on accept admission. Just keep checking back.

10. Be very careful to accept admission when you are not offered or when you have a hope of gaining admission to a better school.

11. Once you accept the admission offered you then you admission door is closed for that year.

Don't forget to share with your friends and come back for more information

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